Abduction Read online
Page 2
That idea didn’t last well. A tall, beautiful woman strolled into the kitchen, humming lightly. She looked human, but before Bethany could so much as blink, she was suddenly on the other side of the room. Bethany gasped. She knew that Evions had those lightning quick movements, but it still shocked her.
“Oh, hello.” The woman smiled at Bethany. “You just arrived?”
Bethany nodded.
“I’m Trili.”
Bethany reached out to shake her hand, but Trili took Bethany’s face in both of her hands and tilted her head back. Terrified, Bethany didn’t move. Was she about to have her neck broken?
Trili paused, apparently confused. “Oh, you don’t know? Here, do this.” She took Bethany’s hands in hers and guided them so that Bethany was holding her head, tilting it up gently to face the ceiling for a moment.
“That’s how we greet here on Telion.” She released Bethany. “You’d better learn fast if you want to stand a chance; Klowix is not a patient man.”
“Stand – stand a chance?” Bethany stammered a bit.
“A chance at becoming his secrena, of course. But you know that already.”
Bethany froze. She couldn’t let on that she’d been kidnapped and sold, not if she wanted her family to live.
“I… I don’t know much about anything. I come from the backlands on Earth. My parents always wanted a better life for me, so they sent me here. It’s all new to me, though.”
“You must have really impressed Untri.” Trili raised her eyebrows. “Usually he doesn’t even consider applicants without a good amount of experience in Telion culture.”
“Just lucky, I guess.” Bethany shrugged. “Um… applicants?”
“Oh, maybe your parents did the application for you. I handled my own, but a lot of the girls had help from their families.”
“I don’t understand.”
Trili laughed. “Wow, your family really didn’t tell you anything before dropping you here, did they? Don’t worry, they were right about this being a better life, though. You’ll come to see just how lucky you are.”
Trili led Bethany through to a spectacular lounge area.
“Bethany, meet the rest of Klowix’s harem. This is Beoli, Snia, Culip, Anna, Ruth, and Lizzy.” She gestured to three Evion women and three humans. All of them looked happy and relaxed.
They crowded around Bethany, the Evions tilting her head in greeting, the humans hugging her. Some of Bethany’s panic was starting to fade. She still missed home, but it didn’t look like she was going to be killed or have her soul stolen, at least any time soon.
Trili raised her voice slightly. “Girls, we have a lot of work to do before Klowix gets home. Bethany’s parents dropped her here knowing nothing. She has a lot to learn.”
Snia wanted in. “Ooh, me first! Come on, Bethany, let me do your hair for you.”
Before she knew what was happening, Bethany found herself being led by the hand to a large bedroom with a double bed and silk coverings.
“So tell me what you know.” Snia pushed Bethany into a chair and grabbing a hair brush from the dresser.
“Not much. That I’m to be part of Klowix’s harem – that’s it, really.”
Giggling behind her told Bethany that the other girls had followed and were sitting on the bed behind them.
Lizzy sighed. “Well, Klowix is the head of the army here on Telion. He’s so strong and handsome…”
Ruth joined in. “He’s looking for his secrena. That’s why there are so many of us. Not many Evions look for secrena anymore; it’s sometimes a lifelong quest.”
“His… secrena?”
Anna giggled. “His soul mate, silly. Once he chooses one of us, we’ll be his and he’ll be ours… forever. It’s said to be a bond like no other.”
Bethany hesitated. “And you all… applied?”
“Of course.” Culip tucked her long hair behind her ears, smiling brightly.
Bethany looked from one woman to the other. “I don’t understand. Klowix will only choose one secrena, right?”
“That’s right.”
“And you all want to be his secrena?”
There were nods all around.
“Then why are you so… shouldn’t there be a bit more competition going on if you all want to be chosen? Why are you doing my hair and explaining everything to me rather than letting me look like a fool?”
Beoli giggled. Bethany thought she’d heard more giggling in the last ten minutes than she’d heard in her lifetime.
“Secrena aren’t like that. The secrena bond needs to come from both sides. It’s not really a case of Klowix choosing; it’s a case of a coming together of him and his secrena. Either it’s one of us, or it’s not. Our actions towards each other aren’t going to change that. The secrena bond is about who you are; nothing can change or hide that.”
“Besides, it’s not like those of us who aren’t chosen will be losing out.” Culip sounded chipper.
“Why not?”
“It’s all part of the application. Maybe you should explain, Ruth, my parents did most of mine.”
Ruth obliged. “The agreement here is simple. One of us will eventually be chosen as a secrena – either that or Untri will keep bringing more women until Klowix finds the right one. When one is chosen, the rest of us will be sent home, but we’ll never want for anything again.”
Trili filled in the gaps. “Klowix isn’t just a great military commander, he comes from a long line of great generals. He’s got more money than most of the people on the planet. In the end, we’ll all find our true loves – for one of us, that will be Klowix. For the others, we’ll have the means to travel the universe to find the right person for us. We’ll never need to work or worry, and neither will our families.”
“You mean… if I’m not chosen, I’ll get to go back to my parents?”
“Of course, you can do whatever you want. We’re not sure how long the selection process will take, which is why the down payment to our families was so big.”
Bethany thought she saw where this was going. “How much?”
“Twenty gold pieces.”
Bethany nodded, suddenly understanding. Perhaps this Klowix wasn’t such a good judge of character. Clearly, he didn’t know Untri was buying slaves and pocketing eighteen gold pieces. She wondered if any of the other girls got there the way she did. Looking at their bright eyes, she doubted it.
Snia’s hands suddenly moved through Bethany’s hair lightning fast. “Anyway, enough history.” Bethany gasped at her sudden speed.
“Come take a look, Bethany.”
Snia pulled her towards a tall mirror. When Bethany looked into it, she gasped. Living in the backlands, covered in dust half the time and always working, she’d thought of herself as plain at best. The woman in the mirror wasn’t plain.
Snia had somehow curled her hair up into an elegant bun on top of her head, with loose ringlets falling around her face. Bethany’s long brown hair was usually flat and dull, but a good wash and Snia’s magic had brought shine and bounce into it that she never knew it had.
Somehow, the blue dress Untri had chosen matched exactly with the color of her eyes, and it hugged her curves in a way that none of her clothes from home did. Bethany was tall, and the dress had slits down the side that showed off her legs. It cut under her breasts, giving them more shape and form than she usually displayed.
It surprised her to see that in these clothes, her body was a lot shapelier than she’d imagined it to be. Her gentle curves were accentuated by the silk, and the cut of the dress made her neck look longer, giving her a regal look.
Snia took charge. “Bethany needs to know some things before Klowix gets home.”
The human girls were standing back grinning, especially Anna. “Don’t worry, it’s fun. We all had to get used to it as well.”
Snia took Bethany’s arm. “Don’t be afraid.” Bethany opened her mouth to ask what she shouldn’t be afraid of
, but then the room was flashing past her. Her hair blew back and she gasped. When she blinked, she and Snia were standing back in the kitchen.
Snia smiled. “Here, it takes some getting used to, but Klowix does it all the time, so you’ll want to get accustomed.”
Bethany’s knees were shaking. She’d known about Evions’ strange, quick movements, but experiencing it firsthand was another matter altogether.
“Culip, get in here!”
A second later, Culip was there, moving so fast she burred.
“Here, let me do your hair. Watch this, Bethany.”
Bethany felt like her eyes were bugging out of her head as Snia’s hands flew over Culip’s hair, having it up in an elegant plait piled on the top of her head in about two seconds.
Ruth, Lizzy, and Anna came strolling in, and Anna got Bethany a glass of water.
“Jealous, right? I wish I could do that.”
“Is… is there anything else I need to know?” Bethany couldn’t help but sound tentative.
“Plenty. You’ll learn as you go along, we all did. Don’t try to put the moves on Klowix, he doesn’t like that.”
Beoli sighed. “He’s so commanding. He always makes the first move, takes control…”
Snia giggled. “Not that any of us would really know.”
Ruth pouted. “Oh, he hasn’t taken any of us yet, not even kissed us. We don’t know what he’s waiting for or how’s he going to find a secrena if he doesn’t… sample the goods available.”
They all fell to giggling again, but Bethany wasn’t listening. She was finally feeling like she could breathe, for the first time since the slavers took her. If the others were telling the truth, and she thought they were, all she needed to do was not get noticed by Klowix until he chose someone, then she’d get to go home – and with a small fortune, by the sounds of it.
“Come on, I’ll sort out your nails.” Anna grabbed Bethany’s hand and tugged her to another huge bedroom. “You’re right next to me. Where’s all your stuff, by the way?”
Oh dear. Bethany got creative. “My family has a custom that when you start a new life, you take nothing of your old life with you. Even this dress is one Untri got for me.”
They seemed to swallow the lie easily. Trili squealed. “Ooh excellent, shopping!” We’re not allowed to leave the house, of course, we need to be available should Klowix desire us, but we can send a bot and watch through the screen.”
“Move over, give me some room.” Anna dumped out a huge box filled to the brim with different gadgets and nail polishes.
Culip grabbed some kind of fancy screen and snapped her fingers. A small hole opened in the screen and a rod extended. Within seconds, it was in front of them on a tall metal stand.
“Ok, let’s see… clothes first, I think.”
At Culip’s words, the screen filled with more clothes than Bethany had seen in her lifetime.
“What do you think, Bethany? Klowix favors silk… but of course, you can get whatever you want.”
“Who pays for all this?”
“Klowix, of course. Or rather, it goes to his account. He doesn’t really care what we buy; he wants us to be happy here.”
Despite everything, sitting there with the other girls, giggling and doing her nails, giving her vastly different advice on clothing, Bethany found she was enjoying herself. She tried to buy only a few outfits, but the rest of them wouldn’t stand for that. By the time her nails were done, she felt like she’d bought an entire planet’s worth of clothes, though nothing in silk.
As the sun began to kiss the horizon, they all disappeared into their bedrooms to get changed. Culip assured Bethany they’d get her all the other stuff she needed tomorrow; by the looks of their rooms, there was a lot more stuff they thought she needed. Trili showed Bethany a brief glimpse of her room, grander than a king’s, before pulling her away and fastening a diamond necklace around her neck worth more than Bethany’s parents had seen in a lifetime.
“You’re new, so Klowix will focus on you at first, get to know you a little.”
Snia reassured her, no doubt seeing the look of panic of Bethany’s face. “Don’t worry, we’ll help you. If you’re not sure about anything, just look to one of us, and we’ll get you through it. Klowix isn’t patient, and he’s demanding, but he’s not cruel. The worst that can happen is he’ll dismiss you for the night. He’s over it by the next day, though.”
Lizzy spoke in a half-whisper. “We think he’s frustrated. He’s been searching for his secrena for a long time. I think we’re the fifth group he’s been through.”
The other ladies chimed in with advice and suggestions.
“Don’t touch him without asking.”
“Be submissive. He likes that, but also speak up. He likes a woman with personality.”
“Remember to smile. He doesn’t like it when we’re not smiling, I think he worries we’re not having a good time here.”
“Make sure you let him eat first. It’s Evion custom, and it’s rude to do otherwise.”
“Oh, and there’s a different greeting you need to use for him: bend your knees and head, then he touches your forehead. Then you can look at him.”
Bethany tried to keep the onslaught of advice in the forefront of her mind, working out which ones she would stick with. She didn’t want to commit a cultural faux pas and get into trouble, but she could tell the advice on how to be more appealing to Klowix was going to be very useful in her effort to be as unappealing as possible.
The door handle turned, and all the girls’ heads turned.
“Come on.” Trili took Bethany’s hand and urged her forward. “He’s here.”
Chapter Three
Bethany hovered nervously behind the other girls, who lined up at the door. She hurried to join them, placing herself beside Trili, but Beoli took her hand and moved her so that she was right in the middle, between Lizzy and Snia.
When the door opened, Bethany had to hold in her gasp. Klowix was… gorgeous. Actually, gorgeous was too dull a word. His brown eyes moved so fast they made Bethany dizzy, faster than Snia’s hands moved when doing her hair. He was powerfully built, and he held himself with an air of authority and power that made her breathless.
Remembering herself, Bethany quickly followed the others’ example, bending her knees and tilting her head towards the floor. She felt a touch on her forehead, and reluctantly raised her eyes to meet his. Klowix’s expression was inscrutable as he seemed to evaluate her.
“You’re new.”
Bethany glanced nervously to Snia, who nodded encouragingly.
“Yes, I just arrived today.” She sounded meek.
Klowix nodded. “Come.”
His hand on her arm sent tingles through her, and Bethany gasped as the room flew by. When they stopped a moment later, they were in a dining room with a huge, domed ceiling lit by floating chandeliers. Bethany gasped as he let go of her.
“Sit down.” Klowix indicated a chair, and she collapsed into it.
“How was your day, Commander?” Snia curtseyed before sitting down on his other side.
“Regiment training proceeds as planned.” Klowix met her gaze before turning back to Bethany. “Tell me your story.” His voice sent shivers down Bethany’s spine.
“My family wanted a better life for me.” She did meet his eyes, worried he’d see the lie in her gaze. “They applied for me to come here. I don’t know much about Evion society, but the girls have been teaching me.”
“You find the companionship satisfactory?”
“Very much.” She’d only known them a few hours, but already the others felt like friends.
Lizzy whispered in her ear. “Commander.”
Bethany quickly corrected herself. “Very much, Commander.” Klowix nodded.
The food arrived – food as alien as the man sitting next to her. There was a tall mound of gooey-looking spheres about the size of her fist. Spread around them were thin strands of wha
t looked like spaghetti. Everyone around her started picking up the strangest utensils Bethany had ever seen – long sticks with circles on the end, like those sticks children used to blow bubbles through back home.
“Oh, right, here.” Lizzy saw Bethany’s confusion and leaned over to help her, but Klowix interrupted and Lizzy drew back at once.
Klowix instead murmured in her ear. “You hold the fork like this.” Klowix deftly spun the stick in her hand so that she was holding it somewhat like a pen, with the circle horizontal above the table. “The spoon in your left hand, thus.”
Upon closer examination, the ‘spoon’, while exactly the same shape as the ‘fork’, had a slightly smaller circle, and tiny spikes on the end.
“Watch.” Bethany watched as Klowix used the spoon to push one of the spheres into the fork, then twirled it around to catch the end of a piece of spaghetti, draping it over the sphere.
“This is erish and lete.” He told gestured first to the sphere and then the spaghetti. “It is an Evion delicacy.”
Ruth gave her a subtle thumbs-up across the table.
Remembering her instructions, Bethany waited for Klowix to take the first bite before tackling dinner herself. Klowix made it look a lot easier than it really was. Bethany dropped the erish the first time, and spent ages using the stupid spherical spoon to snag a piece of lete. Klowix ignored her incompetence and spoke to Culip about her day.
Apparently, Culip was always one to want to learn new things, and Klowix obliged her by bringing her any book she wanted. She was currently learning about inter-dimensional theory. Though her words boggled Bethany, Klowix kept up with the conversation with no difficulty. Of course, he had to be gorgeous and intelligent.
The erish was good; it tasted like a strange mixture of meat and spices, though it had the texture of mousse. The lete seemed to be some kind of vegetable, and complemented the taste of the erish perfectly. Bethany eyed the plate, wanting more but hesitant to embarrass herself with the utensils again.
Lizzy saved her, casually taking Bethany’s fork, expertly snagging more erish and lete, and handing the balanced parcel back to her.