Craving: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 8) Page 4
Women who could work, were in good health, and had a college education were considered good prospects. Jenn made the cut. She joined hundreds of other women at the Facility, a converted warehouse enhanced with makeshift bathrooms and a mess hall. Jenn's time in the Facility was like going to school all over again. Teachers gave lessons in the Anquesh language, culture, and manners.
Jenn found their language unintelligible and their culture barbaric. She was happy to blend into the crowd as long as she had a roof over her head. The chances of the Emissary picking here were minuscule. Many of the other women were gorgeous and loved the idea of marrying into their enemy's royal family.
The Facility was much better than starving on the street. After she had arrived, she discovered there was a two thousand credit stipend for women who weren't selected. The amount of money being spent was shocking, but Jenn supposed Earth needed the marriage to succeed. In her downtime, Jenn applied for odd jobs and crossed her fingers.
Today, after a shower and breakfast she went to her first class, Anquesh culture. But she was greeted with a surprise. At each seat at the table was a large, long box. The instructor, a middle-aged woman named Ms. Bellish, stood with a bright smile at the front of the class. The other potentials filed in and took their seats.
"Ladies, I have a surprise for you. Emissary Kai Imwaden is visiting our facility this week! The visit will be your chance to make a good first impression, so we've provided each of you with a lovely tailored dress and some heels. Get dressed and we'll see how you all look. No judging, ladies."
Jenn opened the box with her name on it. The dress was an emerald green, a color that looked especially good on her. She smiled. Even if she weren't selected, at least she would go home with some new clothes. As she imagined herself wearing the outfit, she idly wondered what would happen if the Emissary decided to choose her. Now that the moment was at hand, she couldn't imagine offering herself to an Anquesh monster.
She grabbed the box and went looking for a place to hide.
At first, Kai had been excited to look through a group of beautiful human women, but now he groaned at the sight of the queue stretching in front of him. It was his third day at the Facility, and it felt like he had been here forever. TerraMates required him to spend a minimum amount of time with each candidate, no matter how flighty or vapid. The thought depressed him. There was nothing attractive about any of the women he had seen so far. Some were outwardly hostile, others fawned over him, and many of them touched him too freely.
At this point, he was tempted to pick anyone at random and take her back to Anquera to fight him in the marriage ceremony. He knew his stepfather wouldn't let the situation progress that far. Kanton had asked Kai to draw the process out as long as possible while the emperor finished negotiations with the Similcue.
TerraMates staff set Kai up in an interview room, and the first woman of the day entered. Immediately the human threw herself at him. She seductively removed her top, sat on his lap, and kissed him.
"By the gods," he groaned. Kai didn't know how many more days he could take. He rose suddenly, dumping the woman on the floor. Without intending to go anywhere in particular, he ran down the hall, leaving his attendants in his wake trying to catch up with him. Kai was in excellent physical condition and outran them all despite the difference in gravity between Earth and Anquera. As he turned a corner, he ran into a dead end. He would be trapped again unless he found another way out. Every door in the hall was locked except for one.
With triumph, he flung open the door. It appeared to be a closet, but he didn't care. It would serve his needs.
Immediately he detected an intriguing scent. It was musky and a little bit sexy.
This planet is driving you crazy, he thought.
"Please go away," said a plaintive voice.
Kai's head whipped toward the sound. It sounded like music to his ears.
"Who are you?" As the scent overwhelmed his mind, he became obsessed with finding the speaker. He wondered about her appearance.
"I'm a nobody."
"Come here so I can see you, nobody." His voice had a husky tone, and he was surprised at its sound.
"No. Go away."
"I don't think so. Do you know who I am? I can do whatever I want here."
"What are you doing here?"
"Hiding from those unbearable women. But you? You're intriguing, Earth girl. I haven't even seen you yet, but for some reason I suspect you might be the most beautiful woman on whom I will ever lay my eyes."
"Oh, brother." Jenn sounded exasperated. "You lay on the lines thick, don't you?"
"I'm afraid my English isn't the best. What do you mean?"
"I need to get out of here." He heard a rustling noise and felt a shape trying to rush past him. With a sweep of his arms, he gathered the female to him, pressing her firmly on his body. Kai had never felt anything as good as her body against his, and he felt his cock begin to rise.
"Mine," came a primitive thought from deep inside his brain.
But Jenn would have none of it.
"Let go of me!" She struggled against his grip. Failing to free herself, she bit down on his arm. Kai gasped. She shot her knee up between his legs, making pain course through his body. He stumbled back and lost his grip. Jenn tore herself out of his arms and threw open the door. The sound of her fleeing footsteps echoed up the hall. Kai panicked at the thought that she might escape him.
Kai tried to move so fast that he stumbled as he lurched forward to run after Jenn. She looked back, fear in her beautiful eyes, and Kai resolved to take her fear away.
First he had to catch her.
He was about to overtake Jenn when they ran into a wall of people consisting of an Earth military escort, his diplomatic staff and the shocked faces of TerraMates representatives.
Jenn stood still, breathing hard, looking like a trapped animal.
"I've made my decision," said Kai. "I want this one."
Chapter Seven
Jenn stared at the line of aliens and humans in front of her. No way. Anyone but me.
When she didn't say anything, someone else spoke up. "I believe the honor has paralyzed her," said Ms. Bellish, her TerraMates instructor.
"My lord," said one of the aliens. "Are you sure? You haven't even looked at all the candidates yet."
"Never mind, Aden. She's perfect."
Jenn found her voice. "No, I'm not. Far from it, in fact. I'm too fat. My legs are short, and my belly bulges. I have dry hair with split ends. My nails are chipped and cracked. See?"
She daintily held up her hand for inspection by the tall alien lord.
"Ms. Bellish," said an Earth military officer. "It was my understanding that all the women would be ready for the Emissary's inspection. Can you explain what happened? Why was this woman hidden in a remote part of the building when she should have been in line with all the others?"
"We haven't even been on a date yet!" cried Jenn.
"It doesn't matter. I found you and claim you according to our treaty. Anquesh don't date. I find it unnecessary. The search is over."
Jenn looked up at him, staring fiercely into his eyes. "It's not over. Let me tell you something."
"Ms. Carden." began a shocked Ms. Bellish, with a warning tone in her voice.
"Don't speak to my sindare in that manner," shot Kai. "If the human wants a date, then she shall have one. Prepare it!" He bent closer to Jenn, his breath close to her ear. "Get ready for our date. If the Earth people do not provide you with anything you need, ask for Aden, and he'll provide." He touched his lips gently to her neck. Jenn shivered as a sensual heat infused her body.
"Later," Kai whispered. He stood up straight. "Show me to my room."
The Emissary walked off with the other aliens and a United Earth Alliance officer. Jenn was left alone surrounded by a ring of humans.
"I can't do this." It wasn't clear to whom Jenn was speaking. "He made a mistake. Did you see him? He's monstrous. I didn't know how tall
or how big he would be. The Anquesh are our enemy. No way. No fucking way."
"Miss Carden, you had plenty of time to think about the consequences of your decision before you decided to sign a contract. The decision of the Emissary is final. Your planet needs you. If you don't honor your obligations, we will arrest you for treason, and a military court will sentence you to execution."
"You've got to be kidding me. I didn't agree to that."
The TerraMates representative spoke up. "Yes, you did." Her usually cheerful voice was now stern. "When you signed the contract, you agreed to military service. You were told multiple times to read the agreement thoroughly."
Jenn shook her head, wondering how she could have been so stupid.
"Think of it this way," Sprague whispered. "If you don't do what the Emissary demands, Earth will be at war again. This time, Ms. Carden, the human race might not survive."
"Come on," said Ms. Bellish, gently taking Jenn's arm. "Let's get you ready. Is there any place you want to go? Your time on Earth is very short. It's time to speak up now."
Jenn closed her eyes and wished her nightmare would go away. When she opened her eyes, Ms. Bellish was still tightly holding her arm.
There was a conversation going on around him, but Kai was barely listening to it. Instead, he flipped through the file provided by TerraMates. It was full of information on the captivating woman. From the instant he caught her scent, he could think of nothing else but possessing her. Kai was simultaneously delightfully ecstatic and terrified.
He couldn't get her face out of her mind. Kai saw her blonde hair and blue eyes everywhere he looked. His heart burned with the need to take her. And yet, even though he knew she must be his sindare, he remembered that Jenn looked unhappy when he made the announcement. Was she hesitant to marry an Anquesh warrior? She should feel honored.
"My lord, are you even listening to us?" said Tellen, the second of his diplomatic aides. Aden outranked him but had spent more time gathering information than attending to Kai.
"Yes, I was listening to your incredibly boring briefing," growled Kai. "It is possible I have something better to do with my time. Why do I have a team of aides if I need to make every decision myself?" Kai wondered if his bluster would provide a cover for his inattentiveness.
"Aden, please give me a moment alone with the Emissary." Aden nodded and left the room. Tellen spun around and raised a finger at Kai. "This human, Jenn Carden, is not even from the upper class of humanity."
"And what of it?"
"The Earth people are insulting you and Anquera by presenting you with such an ordinary woman!"
Kai roared, slamming down his hands on the table. "Remember your place, Tellen! When you speak of Jenn Carden, you are referring to my sindare. You will show her respect at all times. Don't forget yourself again. The next time you decide to overreach your position, I will know it is time to make sure your career in the diplomatic service is over.
Tellen stared at Kai. "Pardon me, my lord. I respectfully request you remember your mother's situation and how the court views her."
"How dare you bring my mother into this conversation. She is the Royal Consort. Do you not have any sense? Has the air on this planet affected your mind?"
"My lord," said Tellen with a resigned sigh. "I see you cannot be discouraged, and I have to approach this another way. I've been fully briefed on this mission. You cannot present the human at court as your sindare. She will not last a single day."
"What are you saying?"
"The humans have earned their status as hated enemies." Tellen paused briefly, looking Kai in the eyes to make sure he was listening. "We've never had an enemy that did so much damage to Anquera. Do you remember the incident at Calan Tourab? Our people will not stand for an alliance with the humans. They despise the idea of a treaty with these Earth people. If you install Jenn Carden as your wife and present her as your sindare, she will not be safe even if she never leaves your bed. Hatred for Earth people runs deep in our blood. Don't you understand?"
"Of course I do. As a warrior, I felt the hatred myself. But a single human is not representative of the entire race. Jenn was not at Calan Tourab. I have found my sindare, and I will protect her. I refuse to do anything less."
"The issue is larger than the lives of two people," said Tellen. "Assassination is a natural tool for nobles to advance their political agenda. The Emperor understands this all too well. He knows what it's like to be a husband forced to protect his wife every second of her life."
"Be realistic. I know no one likes her, but I've never heard anything about her life being in danger."
Tellen sadly shook his head. "Multiple levels of security cover both you and your mother. I don't think you are aware of how hard we work to protect you. You've both been targets of multiple assassination attempts since your mother married the Emperor. You must start living in reality. She receives death threats daily. The Emperor's enemies believe that assassinating the Royal Consort would throw him into such a rage that all the nobles would no longer trust him. Now the peace proposal from Earth presents a new opportunity to spread rumors about the Emperor's competence."
Kai remained silent, wondering if Tellen's words were the truth.
"I only tell you this because you need to understand how vicious the nobility can be. This is why he did not expect you to go through with the marriage. Anquera will never tolerate an Earth woman a heartbeat away from the royal family."
Kai felt like his breath was being stolen from him as Tellen showered him with the details of Anquesh court intrigues. Petty court events weren't something he spent a lot of time thinking about. Kai's military career consumed his life. For him, court life consisted of an occasional party. Now he looked at Tellen in a new light.
"Who are you really, Tellen? I barely know you, and yet you seem to know intimate details of my life, my mother, and the emperor."
"You wouldn't know me, but I'm watching out for you. Your stepfather personally briefed me. I was assigned to protect and advise you on the correct decision. The Emperor cannot go through with this treaty if he wants to keep the throne. You need to control your emotions. We must continue delaying as long as possible until we can gracefully back out."
"How do you expect me to deny myself and live a lie?" Kai felt like life was rushing out of his body. The thought of being without his sindare squeezed his heart with crushing pain.
"My lord, we only ask you do to the same thing now that we do every day," said Tellen levelly. "You are expected to do your duty."
Chapter Eight
Jenn requested two things for her date with the Emissary. The first was that they have dinner at Nardones. The second was that Nayla had to join them. When Ms. Bellish objected, she followed Kai's suggestion and contacted Aden. Ms. Bellish looked like she was sucking a lemon as she placed the call for Jenn.
"Of course," said Aden. "The Emissary's chosen can have whoever she wants at dinner. Fulfilling the request is not an issue for Anquera. Is it a problem for Earth?"
No one had bothered to inform Nayla about her appointment, so she was surprised when the military took her from her grandmother's apartment. Nayla stared at the two soldiers guarding her and Jenn with shock.
"Girl," said Nayla, "You don't play around when you want someone to go to dinner with you. Do you need me and the soldiers? You'd think one of us would be enough."
"It wasn't my idea to pick you up like that, Nayla," said Jenn apologetically. "I wanted to see you one more time before I got dragged off-planet for the war effort."
"I've looked at pictures of the Emissary. I don't think anyone's forcing you to go anywhere. Can you believe big, tall and hunky chose you? Do you think he'd take an extra woman with him? You know, in case you get tired."
"There's nothing funny about my situation. We're talking about my life. They're going to take me away to a planet millions of miles from here. I'll never see Earth again."
Nayla yawned as she sat on her hands. "I'll be hones
t with you. I don't see how this is a problem. It's not like you have anything keeping you here. I think it's a great adventure and a unique opportunity. If you marry into a royal house, would you be a princess?"
"I don't think so. Kai is considered a noble, but if I understand my lessons correctly, his title is equivalent to what we would call an earl on Earth."
"What's an earl?" Nayla was staring blankly off into space.
"It's a step below a duke. Princes, dukes, earls, that's how it goes."
"This is getting boring already. What would your title be?"
Jenn made an exasperated noise. "We'd say countess, but honestly, I don't know what they call it on Anquera. Is my title all you can think about? I'm going into the hands of the enemy. I'll be somewhere where I don't know anything or anyone."
"After we sign the treaty, they won't be our enemies anymore." Nayla was always practical. "Maybe we can get the economy going and there will be jobs for people again. I'm proud of you, Jenn. My best friend is going to be the reason Earth will fix itself. And I'll be right by her side."
Jenn swallowed hard. All she had thought about was herself and how she didn't want this kind of change in her life. She had never considered the impact of the treaty on billions of people on Earth.
This was too much responsibility. When did her life get so complicated?
When the seven foot alien with eyes to die for said that he wanted her.
Whoa. Where did that thought come from?
"I am honored to meet your friend," said Kai. "Miss Nayla, you look lovely."
If it weren't for her extensive training, Jenn would have rolled her eyes. Kai seemed to have a cheesy line for every occasion. But she had to admit that Nayla looked spectacular. TerraMates provided her with a royal purple dress that highlighted Jenn's dark skin tone.