Desert World Savages Part 2: Falling: A SciFi Alien Serial Romance Read online
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“Don’t tell me you have a problem again, Grenta.”
“One of the cargo. She did not take to the conversion process.”
Jaal grunted. “Well, dispose of her. We don’t have time for anything else. The miners are getting anxious and we’re going to lose the bonus for rapid delivery.”
“How do you want it done?”
“Toss it into space.”
Rev moved forward, growing alarmed. If she was spaced, there was little he could do for her.
“Jaal,” he said, “spacing her now will leave a body for someone to find. Why don’t you head into the atmosphere, and I’ll flush her then. It will burn up as it falls.”
Jaal grinned. “That’s why I like you, Cax. Always thinking. Yes, that sounds like a plan. Get her ready. I’ll signal you when we start our descent.”
“Good plan,” said Rev. He turned to find Grenta looking straight at him, his eyes narrowed.
“When did you get so eager? I’ve known you a couple years now, and you haven’t volunteered for anything.”
“I’m just anxious to get this job done and get my cut. I have big plans for my money.”
“Like what?” Grenta’s suspicious gaze followed him as Rev went to Tracy’s tank.
“Like none of your business, old man.” Rev grabbed a wad of disposable towels and put them at the edge of the tank. He hauled Tracy up and removed her mask. He awkwardly wrapped a towel around her. As Grenta watched him, Rev slung Tracy over his shoulder, and picked up the rest of the towels with his free hand.
“Don’t take too long, Cax,” said Grenta. “You have to get the others ready for transport.”
Rev grunted in acknowledgement. He left the lab and headed for the nearest airlock.
Tracy woke when she became aware that someone was tugging on her body. As her eyesight cleared, she saw Rev kneeling beside her, pulling up a white, bulky suit over her torso and stuffing her arms into it. He zipped it up gently and then attached some boots to her feet.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“We don’t have time for explanations. You need to listen carefully. The captain ordered me to launch you into space, but I convinced him to let me dump you in the atmosphere where your body would burn up.”
“Oh, that sounds much better,” she said sarcastically.
“It is,” he said earnestly. “This way you have a chance to survive. Stand up.”
She struggled to get to her feet, and he helped her. He inspected the seals on the suit.
“This is a high altitude jumpsuit, and should protect you against the heat of re-entry. It will get uncomfortably hot in the suit. but don’t panic. You won’t burn up.”
“I won’t?” Tracy was getting scared now. She’d never done anything like this.
Rev put a backpack on her and clipped the latches under her breasts.
“Now don’t lose this pack. There’s food and water in the pouches. You’re going to have to hang onto this suit too. It will capture your body waste and recycle it until it is so pure you can drink it. On this planet, you will definitely need it. It won’t smell pretty, but it will keep you alive until I can find you.”
“You’re going to look for me?”
“Of course I am. Now listen. You are going to fall, and it will feel like a long time. But there is a sensor that will measure your distance to the ground, and it will release a parachute at the right time. There is nothing for you to do, unless you hear an alarm.” He held up a helmet for her to see. If you hear an alarm, pull this red tag, and it will manually release the parachute.”
“I don’t think I can do this.”
“Of course you can, Tracy Walsh. I’m counting on it.”
“Can you come with me?”
“I want to. But we need to make sure the captain and his crew think you’re dead, and it might suspicous if I spaced myself. I have to get to my people first and get these criminals to justice - that’s the only way you’ll truly be safe.”
“Rev, I’m scared.”
“You’d be a fool if you WEREN’T.” He bent his head and kissed her. It was a hard kiss filled with longing and passion, and promised delicious things but was cut short.
“Cax!” the intercom cackled. “You ready?”
Rev snapped the helmet on Tracy’s head.
“Yeah,” he said.
“Release the hatch now.”
“Yes, Jaal.” His hand worked a panel at the side of the hatch. With his other hand, he held the front of Tracy’s suit.
The hatch opened and Tracy felt a rush of air pull her backwards out of the hatch, but Rev grasped her tightly. The air whipped around them, pulling his hair wildly around his face.
“When I let go of you, step back,” he yelled over the wind. “Don’t even look down. Just step back and fall.”
Tracy swallowed hard, hoping she could trust this man who claimed to be bonded to her.
“I’ll find you,” he said. Suddenly he let go of her, the ship dipped to the side, and she fell backward out of the ship.
Her heart hammered in her chest as the air rushed around her. She kept her focus on Rev standing in the ship, watching her. But then something shimmered in the entrance, and the person looking at her from the ship was a large green man wearing Rev’s clothes. His disguise had finally failed, revealing his true appearance.
Green, she thought. This guy is a fucking green alien. I hope I’m not headed to Mars right now. You sure can pick ‘em, Walsh.
The suit was heating up. Flames curled around her, obscuring Tracy’s vision of the green man. Her green man. The faster she fell, the smaller the ship got.
She was alone, on fire, and about to collide with an alien planet!
DESERT WORLD SAVAGES is a five part serial (like a TV show) with a new installment out each Friday. The entire story is FREE with Kindle Unlimited, or you can wait until June 26, 2015 to download the full story as a set.
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Other Books by Lisa Lace
Desert World Savages Part One: Abduction
Tracy thought she had problems at her boring newspaper job, but it turns out that missing a promotion isn’t so bad. Being abducted by aliens? That’s bad. Finding out they need women? That’s even worse…
Her only hope for survival is one hunky alien who is sexy, strong and into her…